I dreamt that I was in a darkly lit auditorium at a ministers training seminar. Pastor Romeo was teaching about evangelism. I can't remember what he was saying but it didn't feel right. It felt like evangelizing had nothing to do with saving souls. After his lecture he called us all on stage and said we couldn't be ministers unless we did this part of the training. So they gave us each a lamb. I loved my lamb with all my heart, he was the most precious thing to me. Then they gave us this gardening tool they use on farms to cut wheat by hand. I can't remember the name of it but the blade is in the shape of a C. They told us we had to slit our lambs throat with it and put on a black leather leash with no buckles and walk them around the auditorium. I began to cry, I didn't want to do it. But my lamb started to telepathically tell me it was okay and everything would be alright. I was the last to do it and it crushed me to walk my lamb around the auditorium. I had to watch him with his throat bleeding on the floor. I wanted to throw up. I was devastated but no one else was. It's like they had no compassion for their lamb, they did what had to do because it was ordered and orders are right. Then pastor Romeo made this big announcement that we all passed and could be ordained ministers. They all started cheering but I didn't want to cheer with them. I didn't want to be part of their club anymore and I was ashamed to qualify.
This dream suggests that you are grappling with conflicting emotions and beliefs regarding your role as a minister or in a similar authority position. The darkly lit auditorium symbolizes a sense of confusion and uncertainty in your understanding of your duties and responsibilities. Pastor Romeo teaching about evangelism may represent your perception of traditional methods of spreading faith and saving souls but feeling that something is not right about it.
The lamb in your dream symbolizes innocence, vulnerability, and purity, and it represents your genuine love and care for those you want to help. The gardening tool with a blade shaped like a C signifies the idea of harvesting or cutting away what is unnecessary or harmful. In this context, it suggests a conflict between your desire to care for others and the perceived requirement to follow questionable practices or beliefs.
Your reluctance to harm your lamb reflects your internal struggle and resistance to doing something that goes against your true nature and values. However, the telepathic reassurance from the lamb indicates an inner voice urging you to stay connected to your compassion and reassuring you that everything will be alright, even in challenging situations.
The lack of compassion exhibited by others in the dream may symbolize the pressure to conform or follow orders without questioning them, contrasting with your own ethical concerns and emotional turmoil. This discrepancy leads you to feel ashamed and disconnected from the group, as you realize you no longer want to be part of a community that upholds these practices.
Overall, this dream suggests that you are questioning the traditional approaches and beliefs associated with your role. It signifies a need for you to listen to your own instincts, trust your inner voice, and seek a more compassionate and authentic way of fulfilling your spiritual responsibilities.